Understanding terrorThis site makes it easy for you to understand that God is imaginary. You can look at all the evidence for God's non-existence, examine all of the rationalizations and appreciate the motivations of Christians. Once you see it all, your belief in God falls away as easily as your belief in Santa once did. Obviously God is a figment of human imagination.Depending on your personality, you may be feeling one of two emotions:
First, you may be terrified because you have believed in the religion of Christianity -- and all of its accoutrements such as Jesus, prayer, blessings, the Bible, etc. -- your entire life. Having it all shown to be a total farce is terrifying. It is something akin to being married to and trusting someone for 30 years, and then discovering that your spouse is having an affair. It is terrifying. It is infuriating. And it is embarrassing. How could you have believed in something so long when it is so obviously and provably false? Once you kick your cheating spouse out, however, terror may sink in. What happens next? You've been with this person for 30 years, and now there is a huge hole in your life. The second reason why you might be feeling terror is more insidious: You may be terrified of what God might now do to you. Even though you have proven to yourself that God does not exist, you still fear him. You are terrified of an imaginary being. That second form of terror -- that fear of God -- should tell you something. Think about what is happening in your mind. You are afraid that, if you do not believe in God and worship him, that he will somehow reach down from heaven and punish you. You are afraid that God will curse you for the rest of your life. That's right -- if God actually were to exist, you are afraid that this all-loving being will do you harm. Let the absurdity of that fear sink in for a moment. It's absurdity should show you just how imaginary God is. Why would an "all-loving" being want to do you harm? What in the world is that fear? Why do you feel that fear? It is because this fear has been programmed into your brain since childhood. The power of religion is fear, and you may be feeling that fear now. The rest of this book will help you deal with this brainwashed fear, but here are two things to consider right now that may help:
Would you like to learn more? If you are an intelligent human being, and if you want to understand the true nature of God, you owe it to yourself to ask, "Why won't God heal amputees?" Start your exploration here:
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